Item is waiting to be installed by the Steam Client. Item is not installed, waiting for download by the Steam Client. Button Unsubscribe - Unsubscribes from mod and deletes its local files.Button Re-download - Re-downloads the mod from Steam Workshop.Button Dependencies View - Opens the dependencies view, for more info see part Dependencies below.Button Mod Folder - Opens the mod folder.Button Steam Workshop - Opens the mod's page in Steam Workshop.Except the signed and not signed states, even the partially signed state (not all PBOs have signature) is signalized. Multiplayer - Multiplayer signatures are marked in here.Status - Signifies the status of the mod, for detailed info see next chapter Mod States.Last update - Time when was the last update uploaded on Steam Workshop.For Steam Workshop mods it is person who uploaded the mod on Workshop. Source - Indicates the source of mod (Steam Workshop or Local).The Mod Info presents detailed info about a mod and is opened after click on any mod in the list of mods. Dependencies icon - Info about mod dependencies related to this mod.Signature icon - Mods with multiplayer signatures are marked by a green sign icon.Status icon - Signifies the status of the mod, for detailed info see next chapter Mod States.Load all - All mods are loaded and moved into the Loaded mods part.Unload all - All mods are unloaded and moved into the Available mods part.Add watched folder - Allows you to add watched folder where Launcher detects local mods.Unsubscribe all Steam Workshop mods - Automatically unsubscribes and deletes data of all mods currently subscribed on Steam Workshop.User is able to include his local (non-Workshop) mods into Launcher to manage them from one place, mods can be also drag'n'dropped into the Launcher window. + Local mod - Opens browse folder dialog.+ Steam Workshop - Opens Steam Workshop home page with mod tag pre-selected to allow easier mod subscribing.The current unsaved preset is preserved when the launcher quits. This makes switching mod sets much faster.
The Mods tab is together with News, Parameters and Battleye one of the main tabs in Launcher.